Thin Film UTF Laser Resistor Trim

Mastering Ultra-Thin Film Resistor Trimming

Harnessing advanced laser technology, we offer unparalleled precision in resistor calibration, ensuring optimal performance for high-end electronic applications.

Our Approach

This process involves adjusting the resistance value of ultra-thin film resistors using precise laser technology. It’s essential for fine-tuning the electrical characteristics of resistors in various applications, from consumer electronics to advanced aerospace systems.

  • High Precision Trimming: Our laser systems provide exceptional control, enabling us to achieve tight tolerances and high repeatability.
  • Customizable Solutions: We cater to a wide range of materials and resistor designs, offering tailor-made solutions for specific applications.
  • Quality and Reliability: We ensure that every trimmed resistor meets stringent quality standards, providing reliable performance in critical applications.

Passive and Active Laser Trimming:

Resistor Array Networks (RAN)
RF / Microwave circuitry
TaN / NiCr / SiCr resistor films
Silicon, Quartz, GaAs, Al2O3, and most current wafer or substrate materials.

Semiconductor link

blowing (Aluminum, poly-silicon links)

Functional / Active laser trim & test

We will work with your engineering staff to develop custom applications software and wafer mapping, support circuitry/hardware, and an optimized process for Functional / Active Laser Trimming & Test.

Ratio-Match and absolute Post-trim tolerances

of +/-0.01% possible, resistor material and design dependent.

Highest verified trim nominal value

500 Mega-ohm +/-5%, higher with custom fixturing. Lowest verified trim nominal value = 5 milli-ohm +/-5%

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