Laser MicroMachining

Micro Precision, Macro Impact

Advanced laser technology ensures ultra-precise machining for a variety of industrial applications.

Our Approach

Laser MicroMachining involves the use of laser technology to machine, cut, or modify materials at the micro-scale. It’s a key technique for creating intricate parts and features required in industries like semiconductors, medical, aerospace, and electronics.

  • Micro Drilling and Cutting: We excel in creating precise micro-holes and intricate cuts in a variety of materials, ranging from metals to polymers.
  • Surface Modification: Our laser technology allows for modifications at the surface level, altering the material’s properties to suit specific requirements.
  • Precision Milling: We offer precision milling services to achieve micro-scale features with high accuracy.
  • Cleanroom Packaging and Inspection: Ensuring the highest quality, our services include cleanroom packaging and thorough inspection of the micromachined components.
blue laser, opt lasers, cnc machine


  • Laser removal of semiconductor links to correct errant design or re-direct conductive paths.
  • Solder mask removal
  • Electroplating link/shorting bar removal
  • Silicon, ceramic, plastic, SS / Al <0.005″ thick
  • Al2O3 Ceramic <0.010″
  • Polyimide / Kapton
  • 1st harmonic (1064nm) and 3rd harmonic (355nm) pulsed YAG laser systems
  • Spot size range = 3um – 50um (0.00015” – 0.002″),
  • Hole diameters <0.001” possible, material composition/thickness dependent
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