Wafer Trimming

Flawless Results

Experience the pinnacle of precision with our Laser Trim services. Harnessing advanced laser technology, we specialize in fine-tuning electronic components to unparalleled accuracy, ensuring your devices meet the highest standards of performance.

Our Precision Redefined

Our Laser Trim services offer unmatched accuracy and efficiency. Using state-of-the-art laser technology, we specialize in fine-tuning and calibrating electronic components to exact specifications.

Trim is a specialized process used in the precision adjustment of resistor values in ultra-thin film circuits. This technique employs advanced laser technology to accurately trim the resistors, ensuring they meet specific electrical requirements. It’s particularly crucial in applications where high precision and stability are essential, such as in critical electronic components used in various industries. The process allows for fine-tuning to achieve the desired resistance with high accuracy, making it an indispensable tool in the manufacturing and calibration of electronic devices.

Similar to UTF trimming but used for thicker film layers. This technique ensures accurate resistance values in thicker film resistors, which are vital in certain types of electronic circuits.

Involves using lasers to microfabricate or micromachine materials. This process is used for creating tiny components or features in materials, essential in microelectronics and other precision engineering fields.

Trim/Cut Methodology

Discover the top methodology that makes our product unique and powerful.

  • L-Cuts: 2nd leg (fine cut segment) perpendicular to 1st leg (coarse cut segment)
  • Curved L-Cuts: L-cut with the radial corner, minimizes micro-cracking at the corner
  • Plunge cuts: Straight cut parallel to resistor width, perpendicular to the direction of current flow
  • Scancuts: Raster motion, wide cuts, typical on high-power or geometrically-sensitive RF circuits
  • Serpentine Cuts: Plunge cuts, alternate sides, high dynamic range
  • U-Cuts: Inverted ā€œUā€ starts/stops outside resistor, minimum accuracy but maximum stability
  • Non-Orthogonal Plungecuts: Cuts @ angles other than standard X / Y, typical on wiper circuits
  • Ladder Cuts: Step-function link trim, typical on passive resistor networks
  • Predict / Incremental: Cut-Measure repeat cycle, typical on active trim / tight-tolerance
  • High Resolution: Predict / Incremental trim @ 0.14um incrementation
  • Radial: Radial resistor trimming/pattern etch
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