Thin Films

Advanced Solutions

Explore a world of creative solutions and innovation tailored to your needs.

Discover Our Expertise

We specialize in the development and application of high-quality thin films and exceptional services designed to shape your vision and create unique experiences that stand out.

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Silicon Nitride for MEMS Devices

Silicon Nitride, a versatile film in MEMS technology, excels in building microelectromechanical systems and defining active regions during field oxidation. Ideal for intricate MEMS device fabrication, our Silicon Nitride films ensure precision and reliability.

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Silicon Oxide: The Ideal Passivation Layer

For MEMS manufacturing on silicon substrates, Silicon Oxide is the superior choice. It acts as an effective passivation layer, facilitating the construction of MEMS devices in temperature-sensitive environments, surpassing traditional glass substrates in efficiency.

Flexible Polysilicon Films

Our LPCVD Undoped Polysilicon thin films, available at variable temperatures, offer unmatched flexibility in thickness, catering to diverse fabrication needs in the semiconductor industry.

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Customized Metal Thin Films

Metal thin films, crucial in device construction, are tailored at our facility. We provide diverse deposition options, allowing our engineers to optimize processes uniquely for each project, ensuring precise and customized thin film solutions.

Why Choose Us

Our Unique Value Proposition

Discover what sets us apart and makes us the ideal choice for your creative needs.


We thrive on innovation, continually exploring new ideas and pushing creative boundaries to deliver unique solutions.


Our team of seasoned professionals brings unmatched expertise to every project, ensuring quality and excellence.


We value collaboration, fostering partnerships, and teamwork that result in groundbreaking solutions.

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