
Advanced Capabilities

Explore the highlights of our expertise in delivering top-notch solutions in our field.

Discover Our Capabilities

We offer a range of exceptional capabilities designed to shape your vision and create unique needs that stand out.

a group of square objects

Photolithography Excellence

Photolithography is at the heart of our services. We specialize in intricate patterning essential for semiconductor fabrication, ensuring precision and consistency in every project.


Innovative Resist Coating Techniques

Our resist coating capabilities range from spray to spin applications, tailored to various substrates. This flexibility allows us to meet unique process demands across different industries.

a large wave crashing into the shore of the ocean
two square blue LED lights

Precise Metal Lift-Off Processes

We’ve perfected a metal lift-off technique that ensures clean, high-quality results. Our specialized bilayer resist process enhances film adhesion and offers an alternative to traditional etching methods.


Advanced Etching Solutions

Our expertise in etching encompasses a variety of techniques. We provide customized solutions to meet specific material removal requirements, essential in microfabrication.

black microscope

Custom Solutions and Collaboration

Your unique challenges are our priority. We collaborate closely with clients to develop bespoke solutions that align with their specific needs and goals.

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