Innovating Today, Shaping Tomorrow


MEMS Fabrication

Discover cutting-edge precision in MEMS Fabrication at Silicon Valley Microdevices. Specializing in intricate designs and robust manufacturing, our MEMS technology caters to a myriad of applications, setting new standards in miniaturization and performance.

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Thin Film Technology

Explore the realm of Thin Film Technology with us. Our expertise spans across creating ultra-thin layers essential for high-performance devices. From Silicon Nitride to versatile metal films, our thin film solutions are pivotal in advancing microdevice technology.

a black and white photo of a building


Silicon Valley Microdevices is your gateway to advanced microelectronic capabilities. Our range includes state-of-the-art photolithography, precise etching techniques, and more, all tailored to meet the complex demands of the ever-evolving tech landscape


Welcome to Silicon Valley Microdevices, where microtechnology innovation meets industry-leading expertise. We specialize in the development of advanced microdevices, pushing the boundaries in MEMS fabrication and Thin Film technology. Our dedication to precision, quality, and cutting-edge solutions defines our approach, as we cater to diverse sectors with our technological prowess. Join us in exploring how our microelectronics are shaping the future

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